REVIEW: ‘Dr. Stone Science Future’ Episode 4 — “Dr. X”
The action continues to accelerate in Dr. Stone Science Future Episode 4, “Dr. X.” By introducing the two significant threats against Senku (Yûsuke Kobayashi) and his team, the series comes to a momentous chapter in the overarching story. Senku and Team Science have faced all types of formidable threats. Senku has faced the elements, groups possessing greater might and muscle, and enemies with weapons capable of once again petrifying them. But this is the first time the threat comes from someone with the same skill set as Senku. This time, the threat is another scientist.
Dr. Stone Science Future Episode 4 sees the group fleeing after being shot at in Episode 3. But their reprieve is short-lived as they scour the river once they realize they’re being tailed. However, they’re not being tracked by boat but from above. Senku, by this point, has already informed his group that the threats they’re facing are a bit more advanced in science than they are. And they’ve already realized that whoever is leading the enemy’s charge must be, at least, as brilliant as Senku. So when the airship comes from above, flying in the way of the sun to blind them, the panic (for most of them) is real.
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Dr. Stone Science Future Episode 4 reminds us Senku isn’t just apathetic.However, his being relatively unflappable makes those individual moments shine through, rendering them more potent. For a show that cherishes its broad humor and character designs, it takes strong writing to make those emotional moments land.
All of this is to say that the moment Senku sees their enemy’s airplane in “Dr. X” is striking. Momentarily distracted, he fails to hear Taiju (Makoto Furukawa) calling his name. The moment is better still because, at first, it’s unclear what has rendered him frozen. The assumption would be shock or fear. Seeing such an immense proof of scientific growth would intimidate even the would-be fearless leader. But the truth is all the more charming.
Of course, it’s Gen who points it out. But when Senku looks out at the plane, he isn’t fearful but in awe. He’s thrilled to see this modern marvel recreated in a world where they’re still rebuilding. To know that it’s possible. No, it’s no ideal that they were shot at, but the revelation is, in Senku’s words, exhilarating.
Senku and his team are facing down a major threat in Dr. Stone Science Future.Senku comes back to just in time to stop the impending attack through quick thinking and their formidable team effort. The explosive they throw at the aircraft carrier isn’t deadly by any means but stalls the engine, forcing their attacker to escape by foot. It means that Senku and Ryusui can both steal the plane and set them out with a goal. They’ll find the person who attacked them. Yes, it’s dangerous, but, as they point out to the rest of the team, it would be advantageous to do so. Who knows how much they could ascertain if they were to find the home base of all these incredible inventions?
Gen (Kengo Kawanishi), Chrome (Gen Satō), and Kohaku (Manami Numakura) set forth to track down the attacker. However, Gen quickly splits off from the other two to ensure their divided safety, realizing they’re being lured into a trap. Gen’s former career has always had some ambiguity to it, so it’s always interesting to be reminded of just how clever he can be. His intellect and skill in deceit are clearer when he runs into their attacker, who decides to let Gen follow him back to their home base.
Dr. Stone Science Future Episode 4 is, for the most part, another intense and exciting installment as new developments unravel. However, while Episode 3 utilized music to strengthen the sense of foreboding, Episode 4 is too on the nose. The music choices are distracting from the tense score as Gen and the attacker face off in their first discussion to the bizarre, country-adjacent song that plays as they traipse the corn fields to their factory base. It seems like a little thing, but it completely removes you from the drama.
In “Dr. X” we meet the new big bad, Dr. Xeno.It’s short-lived, however, as Gen finally meets the leader of this part of the world. Gen fairly and immediately compares Senku to Dr. Xeno (Kenji Nojima). However, Gen backtracks, realizing that Xeno is an adult (a stark reminder that Senku and many of the leads are still teenagers). Xeno’s right hand is Stanley Snider (Kōji Yusa), an ex-soldier still finding ways to utilize his skill in the new world.
The character designs for the two new characters are superb, utilizing everything the series loves, such as exaggerated hair and distinctive physicality. Xeno’s design even seems to directly mirror Senku’s, though with less green tinging the edges of his hair. Their silhouettes make for excellent, striking forms that help convey their antagonistic nature, filling the frames.
Even the makeshift cigarette that hangs from Stanley’s lips helps cast a certain edge on these characters, especially in comparison to our ragtag group. With all they’ve managed to accomplish, their brief introduction makes us want an entire episode dedicated to their backstory.
Gen is a major part of “Dr. X.” He’s forced into a polygraph test as Xeno and Stanley try to figure out where he’s coming from. Gen utilizes his mentalist abilities to lie and scheme. He cries about running away from his team, where a cruel leader has overworked him. But realizing they’ll want a name and knowing that Senku isn’t one of their fighters, he lies, listing Taiju as their resident scientist to throw them off Senku’s tail.
Dr. Stone Science Future Episode 4 introduces a fantastic new threat that levels the playing field regarding Senku’s intellect. With a scientist as the enemy, the series is poised for a thrilling new adventure where the stakes are higher than ever.
Dr. Stone Science Future Episode 4 is out now on Crunchyroll.
Dr. Stone Science Future Episode 4- 7.5/10 Rating - 7.5/10
Dr. Stone Science Future Episode 4 introduces a fantastic new threat that levels the playing field regarding Senku’s intellect. With a scientist as the enemy, the series is poised for a thrilling new adventure where the stakes are higher than ever.
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Originally posted on: https://butwhytho.net/2025/01/dr-stone-science-future-episode-4-review/